
A Forty Four Year Partnership going from strength to strength




Stories of loyalty in trading between our Partners in the UK are the subject of legends.

Counted among them is the 44 year successful relationship between Industria Bearings and Transmissions Limited and JTEKT

During a visit to the UK, our own Dimitri Loutfi in his role as Head of Aftermarket in Europe for Sales and Marketing was delighted to make presentations to the Father and Son Leaders of Industria. Dimitri emphasized the importance of this partnership to keep supplying the UK Market with high precision and genuine parts coming mainly from Japan.

Pictured on the left with Dimitri is Mr Tarik Malik founder of Industria accepting a Certificate celebrating the significant achievement and extending their Authorized Distributor status to 2026

Pictured on the right with Dimitri is Mr Remy Malik, son of Tarik accepting additional certificates to be displayed in the two other satellite Branches.

With the combined experience and dedication towards the future, the opportunity to grow and strengthen this united partnership is inevitable. Both Parties agreed to intensify their activities to enhance and promote JTEKT KOYO products in the UK.


Bearing 3D

De ce ar trebui sa aleg rulmenții Koyo?

La JTEKT suntem determinați și angajați sa livram clienților noștri produse de înaltă calitate și cele mai bune soluții, deoarece ei sunt in centrul întregii noastre activități. Prin combinarea tehnologiei cu experiența noastră in inginerie si proiectare, suntem capabili sa oferim o larga varietate de rulmenți și soluții avansate care sunt bine cunoscute pe plan mondial. Luând în considerare acest lucru, ne-am luat angajamentul ferm de a proteja mediul înconjurător și societatea prin dezvoltarea și fabricarea de produse care sunt prietenoase cu mediul înconjurător (eco-friendly), contribuie la economisirea energiei și sunt reciclabile.

You may communicate us your personal data in the frame of using our website. JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. and its affiliates undertake to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR May 25th 2018) and shall process your data in compliance with GDPR. In case, you would like to proceed with your rights (refusal, information, access, erasure, restriction, portability), you can send a request to Our privacy policy is available at:

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