
Koyo UK at the Cromwell Exhibtion 2016

During September 12th - 15th Koyo UK attended and exhibited at Cromwell's 'The Event' held at Donington Park exhibition centre. 'The Event' is held every two years and is solely represented by suppliers to the Cromwell Group in the UK.

Approximately 4000 people attended this year’s event, which for the first time was open to the general public. The majority of those that attend are existing or previous customers of Cromwell and they are invited along with their respective branch and sales representative. Attendees also had the opportunity to experience the thrills of the internationally recognised race circuit, with the choice of driver experiences in several high powered sports cars. Those looking for something a little slower paced but no less exciting could choose the off road experience.

The Koyo stand was situated with the MRO sector of the exhibition and we were the only dedicated bearings supplier at the whole event. Koyo UK, supported by JEB showcased the latest offerings from Koyo (JTEKT) and focused on the new JHS BBU & SRB ranges. Along with this we also held a competition to win 'Red Letter Day' vouchers by guessing how many complete bearings were contained with a glass display case on the stand. The winner will be presented with the vouchers in the near future.

During the course of 'The Event' the Koyo stand was visited by around 400 individuals which has led to around 100 requests for further information. Some of these were very positive and have requested joint visits with the local Cromwell branch & representative. Koyo UK will look to follow these up as quickly as possible.

The show was a great success and will hopefully lead to increased business and improved relations with Cromwell and their customer base.


Bearing 3D

Ce este un rulment?

Rulmentul este un mecanism ce permite mișcarea de rotație intre doua componente, una statica si una in mișcare. Există mai multe tipuri de lagăre: de alunecare, magnetice și de rostogolire. Rulmenții Koyo sunt „ Lagăre de rostogolire” ce au o durată lunga de viață, interschimbabilitate mare și care economisesc energia. Elementele de rulare ale rulmenților sunt asamblate între inele interioare și exterioare, cu sau fără colivie. Cu această structură, in timpul funcționării, poate fi realizata o mișcare lină de rulare. Avantaje folosirii rulmenților sunt:

  • Frecare minima la pornire
  • Abilitatea de a prelua atât sarcini radiale cat si axiale la viteze ridicate de rotație
  • Ușor de manevrat și întreținut
  • Poate funcționa în medii extreme (temperaturi ridicate și scăzute)
  • Metode simple de lubrifiere

BRulmenții sunt elemente critice la toate tipurile de mașini, utilaje și produse. Ii puteți găsi, de exemplu, în avioane, automobile, aparate casnice, dar și în echipamente pentru producția de oțel și semiconductori

You may communicate us your personal data in the frame of using our website. JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. and its affiliates undertake to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR May 25th 2018) and shall process your data in compliance with GDPR. In case, you would like to proceed with your rights (refusal, information, access, erasure, restriction, portability), you can send a request to Our privacy policy is available at:

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