


Distributore di rete




Tehnocom Trading a luat nastere in anul 2008 si are ca principal obiect de activitate, distributia de rulmenti, curele, simeringuri, lant Gall si alte produse conexe.

In prezent, compania are in portofoliu aproximativ 9000 de articole si produse de la peste 12 furnizori, recunoscuti atat pe plan national cat si international.

Compania se afla intr-un plin proces de extindere si dezvoltare, astfel incat sa putem fi mult mai aproape de clientii si partenerii nostri.


Sediul central al companiei se afla in Iasi  si cu ajutorul partenerilor nostrii, firmele de curierat rapid, putem livra in orice localitate de pe teritoriul Romaniei in circa 24 ore.

Principalele valori dupa care ne ghidam, sunt urmatoarele:


R       responsabilitate

U       uilitate

L        loialitate

M       meticulozitate

E        expierenta

N       negociere

T        transparenta

I        inovatie

K       creativitate

A       autenticitate





Tehnocom Trading was born in 2008 and has as main object of activity, the distribution of bearings, belts, oil seals, Gall chain and other related products.

Currently, the company has in its portfolio approximately 9000 articles and products from over 12 suppliers, recognized both nationally and internationally.

The company is in a full process of expansion and development, so that we can be much closer to our customers and partners.


The company's headquarters are located in Iasi and with the help of our partners, the express courier companies, we can deliver to any locality in Romania in about 24 hours.

The main values ​​we are guided by are the following:



R       responsibility

U       utility

L        loyalty

M       meticulosity

E        experience

N       negotiation

T        transparency

I         innovation

K       creativity

A       authenticity



Str. Vasile Lupu, Nr.142B, 700335, LasiRomania

Phone: +40 (0)748 282 887

Bearing 3D

Cos’è un supporto?

Il supporto è costituito da un cuscinetto a sfere lubrificato a grasso con tenuta inserito in un alloggiamento di varia forma, capace di sopportare disallineamento assiale, grazie alla superficie sferica di contatto tra cuscinetto e alloggiamento stesso.

Per maggiori informazioni puoi cliccare su “Prodotti”

You may communicate us your personal data in the frame of using our website. JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. and its affiliates undertake to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR May 25th 2018) and shall process your data in compliance with GDPR. In case, you would like to proceed with your rights (refusal, information, access, erasure, restriction, portability), you can send a request to Our privacy policy is available at:

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